I have so many things I need to do but haven’t been getting them done very well lately.

One thing that I did get done last week was my mammogram for this year.  Since several of my relatives have had breast cancer, it is one of the more important things that I do take care of.

They found a spot again last year that had to be rechecked as usual. I was so thrilled when they eventually told me I could wait a whole year to come back.

I do not look forward to going, but I sure look forward to having it “completed.”  “Done.”  I fully expected the usual ultra sound afterward and “we’ll keep an eye on it, so come back in a few months,” but that didn’t happen this time.  Just “Goodbye, we’ll send you a letter.”

Praise the Lord, I received that letter today and it says my results are “normal.”  “Come back next year.”  So I’m very happy now.

The experience is certainly not one to look forward to, and I wouldn’t attempt to describe it.  But I believe Anna Lefler does a great job of describing it on her blog:



  1. Hey, there…

    Thanks so much for linking to my mammogram piece! What a nice surprise to find this here! I really appreciate that and I’m glad you enjoyed the post…

    Take care…

    😀 Anna

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